
Autograph Journal and Recipe Book

Volume entritled: "Elements of Plane Geometry and also The Mensuration of both Superficies and Solids"

Credo notebook of Joseph Clement

Sketchbook, inscribed 'G Cayley 1796'

The Coal Viewer and Engine Builder's Practical Companion by John Curr

Volume entitled: "Some Account, of the Work's done by Captain John Perry"

A Description of the Pneumatic Apparatus made for His Majesty King George the Third by George Adams, Mathematical Instrument Maker to His Majesty

Letter from Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg to Mattw. Boulton Esq.

Volume entitled: "Apothecary's Memorandum Book"

Ship plan entitled: Disposition of the Frame for the 36 Gun Ship building by Mr Barnard, River Thames

Volume entitled: "The Description and Use of a Terrestrial Planetarium, including the Orbits of Mercury and Venus commonly called an Orrery"

North Redemore Account Book

A Course of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Chemistry

Collection of newspaper cuttings relating to coal trade and coastal shipping in north-east England


An account of an horizontal top or whirling speculum, invented by Mr Serson

Principles of Mechanics by George Adams

Account book of the firm of Thomas Farmer & Co., Kennington Green

Bound volume entitled: "A System of Practical Geometry"

Two manuscripts in French bound in one volume entitled: "Essai sur les fers coules Pour le Roy" and "Memoire sur la fonte et la Moulage des Bombes "

A Description of an Apparatus for explaining the Principles of Mechanicks made for His Majesty King George the Third by George Adams, Mathematical Instrument Maker to His Majesty

Instructions to the illustrator of 'A description of an apparatus for explaining the principles of mechanicks made for His Majesty King George the Third by George Adams'

'James Burrow's Arithmetick MDCCXXXVIII'

Typescript copy of 'Anson's list of H.M. Royal Navy 1747-1750'

Volume of extracts on the mines of Minas Geraes

Volume entitled: "Illumni sui Charissimi Josephi Ball calculorum Rationem experimens Libellus Quemq"

Manuscript entitled: "Grundliche Anleitung zur Chemie Part II Section II"


Map: Plan of the Collieries on the Rivers Tyne and Wear also Blyth, Bedlington and Hartley; with the Country 11 Miles round Newcastle


Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Mr. W. Boulton


Letter from James Watt of Broseley to Mr. Boulton


Letter from John Dalton to Peter Crosthwaite


Mr. Wilson's Design for a Cast Iron Bridge over the Thames, instead of the Present London Bridge

192 photographic prints

Foulsham and Banfield Ltd Collection


Map entitled: 'A Plan of the River Thames from Boulter's Lock to Mortlake, Surveyed by order of the City of London in 1770, by James Brindley Engineer'


Broadsheet: Sir William Petty's Plan for a system of instruction relative to the business of the Marine Department, in the same words as the original; but with the articles transposed, and marginal titles, supplemental titles, and remarks added


Manuscript drawing book entitled: "Utensils in Canal Work"

Ship plan entitled: Profile Draught for the 36 Gun Ship building by Mr Barnard

Pamphlet entitled ‘The Report of Mess. Brindley and Whitworth, engineers, concerning the practicability and expence [sic] of making a navigable canal, from Stockton by Darlington to Winston in the county of Durham'

Railway Signal Volume 3 (1885)

4 archive folders

Collection of papers relating to the work of Stephen Hales, mainly on ventilators


Trade card of Joseph Merlin, '66 Little Queen Ann Street East, Portland-Chapel, Marybone'

12 items

Folder of photos entitled '12 Wembley Snapshots'

Elevation and plan of a crane capable of lifting from five to six tons

Ship plan entitled: A Draught for Building by Contract by Mr Barnard in the River Thames a Ship to carry 36 Carriage Guns

Page 4 of indenture entitled 'Conveyance of Lands in Stockton held by Lease for three Lives under the Bishop of Durham Mr. Reeve Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. Rutter to Mr Samuel Smith

Articles of agreement between John Claxton, Jacob Harrison and Thomas Raisbeck

Copy of agreement between Mr Raisbeck and John Reed, Starch Manufacturer to let parts of Sugar House

Testament to Thomas Raisbeck by Thomas Rudd

Note referring to partnership between Thomas Raisbeck and John Rudd

3 sheets

French technical drawings relating to Newcomen atmospheric engine erected at Fresnes, near Conde in northern France

2 sheets

Maps relating to Rochdale Canal